Heart-Opening. Sacred. Inspiring.
Before working with Jena I was constantly reverting into a state of overwhelm and totally blocked from writing. With the help of her beautiful, safe writing groups I was able to write more consistently and tap into what was holding me back. Additionally, working with Jena 1:1 with my book, has been an investment I'll never regret. With her guidance, care, and expertise I finally have a plan to move forward and achieve my dream!
— Renee Zukin (she/her), Writer & Coach
Validating. Inspiring. Safe.
Working one-on-one with Jena has empowered me to explore and connect to my truth and heart more fearlessly, and to begin writing the stories I have been longing to tell. Her deep intelligence, her emotional intelligence, and her humanity and respect for my experience have helped me to reach a new level of self-expression.
– Tracey Wood Mendelsohn (she/her), Founder/Principal – Trill Media Group, Inc., President & CEO, Black Public Relations Society
I desperately wanted to write…
…but for the longest time, I lacked confidence. That slowly changed after I met Jena. Jena patiently and consistently sits by me, holds my hand, and nurtures every single word out of me. She taught me to not seek perfection but embrace my voice and let my words speak for me. Jena is my miracle worker, my word whisperer. Thanks to her, my professional writing skills are getting stronger, and I am becoming a better leader because I can express myself creatively. Making the decision to work with Jena was the best gift to myself.
– Nukhet Govdeli Hendricks (she/her), Executive Director, Danny & Ron’s Rescue
As a Latina lesbian…
I have been justifiably wary of sharing my words in unwelcoming venues. Then I found Jena. Her inclusiveness and belief in each writer’s potential have transformed my life. Her groups promote self-expression, regardless of the story each of us has to tell. Through the thoughtful feedback and unflagging encouragement she models, group members find a safe space to help make our creative dreams a reality. My writing has blossomed in the past six years. I have also gained a number of “writing buddies” who continue to cheer me on.
— Lesley Salas (she/her), freelance writer, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Illuminating. Heart-opening. Healing.
Working with Jena on her poetry project, The Future Loves You Already, was one of those dream collaborations where intention, imagination and inspiration all aligned beautifully and powerfully. In the process, she created a piece of art and writing that transcended the page and became a profound shared experience of hope and humanity! She is not just an expert crafter of words, but her work serves to illuminate truth and connect hearts and minds in ways that positively impact the world.
— Mindy Tsonas Choi (she/her) Founder of the Be Seen Project
Affirming. Expanding. True.
Working with Jena was like a warm hug around my poems. The first time Jena and I talked, after a mutual friend made the connection, I felt immediately held in a bond of trust, and knew that I didn't need to explain anything about the aching soulfulness coming through my words. I never knew that I would find someone so kind and free to hold up my poetry to the light, love it for its beauty, and ask important questions about where clarity might be a helpful ally. She also blessed the self-publishing journey, a process that felt daunting, and helped give me touchstones that have culminated in my first collection of poetry, artwork, and essays being almost ready to roll off the press. Jena is gem for the poet and writer who longs for help to bring a soulful vision alive in tangible form.
—Kineret Ando Yardena (she/her), Poet, Teacher and Visual Artist
There’s something about Jena that invites words.
She makes writing a possibility. Working with her, resistance melts away and the creativity flows. Her coaching on my manuscripts helped me transform it from a handful of random poems into a body of work that could reach people's hearts.
—Miki DeVivo (she/her), Poet and Storyteller
Insight. Encouragement. Courage.
I started writing with Jena in 2014 and since then have self-published a book of poetry, become connected with an international network of poets, and both learned and shared much wisdom on the art of writing. The process of writing often ebbs and flows for me, as the time needed competes with parenthood, having a full-time job, and other duties—but when I am writing, I’m encouraged by the strategies, advice, and moral support I’ve received from Jena.
—Adam Ortiz (he/him), Higher Education
Isolated at home during the Pandemic, I began to write.
If writing has provided me the light to see through the tunnel of sadness, fear, and despair caused by Corona, then Jena has been my beacon at the other end. Patiently listening, asking focused questions, and making insightful comments, she has helped me to strengthen my skills and recognize that my stories are worth telling. I am indebted to Jena for helping me to bring my vignette collection “Exploring Everyday Racism through Personal Stories” to completion. Working with her has been an invaluable investment—in me.
—Beverly Harris-Schenz, Ph.D. (she/her), Professor Emerita of German
I’d been working on a novel for five years when I reached out to Jena.
Much of my writing had been done in isolation, and I needed support to keep going. Jena has been a constant source of encouragement. She provides a safe space to discuss the writing, helps me work through obstacles, and holds me accountable to my deadlines in a gentle way. She has also edited a number of my narrative essays, helping me build a portfolio and confidence as a writer. Jena continues to reminds me that I have the capacity to tell these stories. Having her as a coach and friend has been an incredible gift.
—Laura Vater (she/her), Oncologist
Playful. Expansive. Precise.
I have participated in two month-long poetry dives with Jena. The prompts for writing and the opportunity to give and receive comments from other in the group have been powerful in opening the door to my imagination. Jena’s own response to each offering is testament to her support for each participant. I have also experienced her individual mentoring as insightful and helpful in deepening my skills in poetic expression.
—Peter Scanlan (he/him), Psychologist & Wilderness Soulcraft Guide
Inspired. Thoughtful. Grounded in compassion.
Working with Jena infused fresh energy and excitement into my writing life. Through weekly exercises and enlivened group discussions, Jena shepherded me and my cohort through a creative renaissance. She infused the work with levity and encouraged me to have fun with the process while also pushing me to extend to the edges. I consider myself lucky to count her as one of my writing mentors.
—Brianna Bond (she/her), Chef, Sarah Lawrence MFA program
Provocative. Inspiring. Authentic.
Jena looked at me skeptically when I told her I was not “creative” in our first session together. From that moment forward she has bestowed her wisdom, kindness, and faith in me. She provides achievable tactics and exercises to keep me writing without judgement. I take pride in the pages that have emerged and have next steps planned for my work. I joined one of Jena’s writing groups which connected me to an extraordinary group of women who provide support and a safe space to share raw unvarnished words and express the trials and joys of writing.
—Una Basak (she/her), Autism Advocate
I wish I could fully convey…
…the sacred sense of safety and worthiness I feel when writing in one of Jena’s groups. The feedback from Jena and my fellow writers is valuable, enlightening, and supportive. My writing has improved AND I’m having a LOT of fun in the process!
—Deb Droz (she/her)
Jena is an incredible, thoughtful and inspiring writer and coach.
Over the years she has provided a safe place for me to show up and find my voice. She constantly reminds me of the joy and love I have for poetry and writing. Over the years, Jena’s programs and coaching gave me the courage to be more authentic on the page and to not back away from what my heart wanted to say. She inspired me to go deeper, in a gentle way, helping me drop beneath the veils and walls I had created. More than that she gave me the confidence to trust myself, hear my own words and know when something was finished. Jena is the real jewel in the crown. She is courageous, inspiring and a true gift to those seeking to find a deeper truth.
—Denise Silk (she/her), Songwriter, Poet, Coach
I have known (and worked with) many writers and guides over the past decade.
There are some who stand apart and simply glow in their ability to nurture budding writers and experienced writers alike. Jena is one of those teachers. Through multiple writing groups and two magnificent Unfurl retreats, I have watched her wrap her arms and heart around her students in the most tender, magnificent way. Whether it be her sage eye on a particular piece or body of work or her capable hands on the heart of our writing lives, Jena’s wisdom always feels clear and true. I am a better writer for having known her.
—Sue Ann Gleason (she/her), Nourishment Guide & Writer
Calming. Welcoming. Hopeful.
Jena Schwartz is a word magician. Under Jena’s command, words become gifts wrapped in ideas that both land in and transcend the everyday. Hers is a people’s poetry that invites and welcomes all who enter her poetic spaces. Such a welcome comes with a smile and has the uncanny ability to make friends and strangers feel like close family members seeking refuge and safety in the power of words. For me, this is Jena Schwartz’s word magic.
—Dr. Neal Lester (he/him), Foundation Professor of English & Founding Director of Project Humanities, Arizona State University
Life-defining. Awe-provoking. Grace-giving.
In coaching sessions, Jena’s questions and encouragement become gateways to writing with purpose. In groups I join, Jena gathers tentative writers around guidelines and gentle prompts, conjuring connection, art, and beauty. In both contexts, I’ve found myself. When the world shakes under my feet, I come to rest in the spaces Jena creates. My writing reflects the best parts of me, thanks to Jena’s work.
—Rachel Weishaar (she/her)
Nurturing. Empowering. Joyful.
Jena is a midwife, a cheerleader, and a friend all at once. Her extraordinary prompts planted the seeds of my memoir, and then she helped me tend and grow both the story and myself through ongoing groups and individual coaching. The nurturing container that Jena provides was essential to my creative flourishing, especially in claiming my identity as a writer.
—Peg Conway (she/her), Writer & Energy Healer
Relaxed. Easy. Fun.
You see, I cannot write to save my life, whereas writing is Jena’s superpower. I have been working with her since I started my business, and her wisdom and word-smithing have been priceless. From newsletters to website copy, Jena is my go-to person for everything language-related. Not only does she work her editing magic, but she is the most kind, fun, and brilliant collaborator. Working with her never even feels like work—we laugh far too much. The best part of having Jena on my team is that she really gets me and knows my voice. I look forward to every one of our monthly meetings.
—Isabella Dellolio (she/her), Portrait Photographer
Magic. Ease. Expansion.
Jena masterfully holds space for your own personal creative process to root and flourish. A true writing practice is a living thing that grows and evolves. It takes as attuned a coach as Jena to help draw it out safely so that it can unfold in the perfect way. Jena helped me develop my writing practice from the ground up in a way that feels tailored to who I am on the deepest level. I couldn't be more grateful.
—James Kerti (he/him)
Gentle. Compassionate. Warm.
Being in Jena's class jump started a project of mine that was getting dusty. It revived my enthusiasm and gave me the gentle accountability I needed. Having a community in which to share and to feel supported was key. Jena carved out a safe, nurturing space for us to be creative together.
—Pam Moore (she/her), Freelance health and fitness writer. Weight-neutral health coach. Podcaster.
Jena will make you cry with joy!
I say this from the center of my heart. I’d known Jena for a few years prior to asking her to coach me and help me with expressing myself through my writing. I had sooo many stories, judgments and downright bad feelings about my ability to write, to have my own voice. Jena’s ability to have compassion, laser in on tough spots and give excellent practices is truly amazing! I did 1:1 sessions with Jena. I received so much from that devoted time My whole life, not just my writing, was supported, held and loved on in the best possible ways. AND I certainly did write more as well as learn to trust my own voice as worthy, valid and potent.
—Jana Lussier (she/her), Sex, Love and Relationship Coach
Inspiring. Inclusive. Nurturing.
I had the good fortune of finding Jena Schwartz and her writing communities in spring 2020. While the world was becoming more isolated, Jena's Truth and Beauty writing group provided a refuge and much-needed place for connection. It was invigorating to find a little space that allowed me to share my feelings and words with others who also craved connection through writing. I took two writing classes with Jena, but the one that had the most impact was her Jewels on the Path group. The group's structure, small size and encouraging community helped me finish the first draft of my memoir project. The feedback from the group members and Jena herself helped me focus my chapters and keep a structured pace. I also attended two coaching sessions with Jena, both of which gave me ideas and direction for my writing. I am convinced that if it were not for Jena, I would not have finished my writing. Her non-judgmental approach and willingness to listen and talk through ideas and drafts is extremely helpful to writers in any stage of their projects.
—Leah Singer (she/her), Writer & Editor
Opening. Supportive. Generative.
Through Jena's group and individual support, I have made and taken up the space I craved - for unbelievable inspiration, questioning, and exploration - which has resulted in a new completed manuscript, a memoir set aside (but not abandoned), and a previously abandoned project reinvigorated. Most of all, I have found the blessing of support and community for my writing and creative life.
—Kathryn Gonnerman (she/her)
Caring, thoughtful, holistic
My work with Jena is a real gift. She has supported and affirmed me as a writer and as a person. I appreciate her mix of intelligence and compassion. Our work together has strengthened my writing practice immeasurably.
—Joe Kadi (he/him), Writer and Social Justice Educator
Relaxed. Playful. Safe.
Jena joined me as a guest teacher for a workshop I offered my community on reigniting our creativity. I feel like we’re kindred souls so it was a pleasure to connect, plan, and run the online event together. I appreciated Jena’s thoughtfulness, the way she played with words and emotion and created breathing room and a felt sense of safety for all participants (myself included) to express ourselves.
—Krista O'Reilly Davi-Digui (she/her), Holistic Embodiment Coach & Joyful Living Educator
Good morning, sweet pea!
I just finished reading the testimonials on your blog site and am moved beyond beyond! You have given so much to so many AND built a business which is providing for you and your family. You are a role model for your family, generous to all, loving and funny, compassionate and insightful! Lovelovelove.
— Peggy Schwartz (she/her), Professor Emerita of Dance and Jena’s Mom :)