Amazing Doesn't Mean Perfect (and Never Did)


Six years ago today, I quit smoking cloves. It wasn't the first time, but hopefully it was the last. I was also on unpaid medical leave from my full-time job taking care of my wife, and on the precipice of quitting altogether. Fierce Encouragement for Writing + Life was born out of necessity and love and community care and an unshakeable belief that our stories matter and that everyone who wants to write can write.

Six years ago, I got winded from making the bed and was terrified of not being able to pay the bills.

A few days ago, I ran/hiked 12.84 miles with my brother-in-law. I'm making twice as much as I made at my old job. I'm wildly in love with my person. And I'm working with a life coach who is holding me to the same standards of care, respect, integrity, and joy I hold for my clients. I don't do drama, and I do my very best to course correct when I mess up.

For so long, my whole thing was insisting that I wasn't amazing -- it was too much pressure, and I associated the "a" word with being objectified and pedestaled as opposed to truly seen and heard and free. I'm letting that go now.

Amazing doesn't mean perfect, and never did.

I am amazing, just as you are amazing, whether you are ready to fully know that yet or not. If you're in a hard place, keep going and keep growing and please don't give up. What's waiting on the other side of this moment is so very worth it.