"One True Sentence"
“All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.”
Yesterday, I did this. I wrote one true sentence. It felt scary.
My one true sentence began: I am afraid of…
I am not ready to share the rest of it outside of my little Google doc. In fact, I didn’t want to write it at all. But I was also tired of not writing it. So I chose.
Then I wrote a paragraph.
Then I returned to that one sentence.
I may return to it today and see where it leads.
Choosing is powerful.
That one true sentence is not the whole story. It's a gate swinging open, for me to walk through.
The thing with writing one true sentence is that we fear it is a commitment.
We fear someone will see it. We fear what it says about who we are.
We fear so many things.
But something else happens.
You remember that you are the author. You get to find your way into other things that are also true. You get to decide where, whether, and with whom to share.
Choosing is powerful.
This is why – and how – we practice being brave inside of our fear. It’s why – and how – we test the waters of showing up when writing even one sentence might feel insurmountable.
The best part: You do not have to know what comes next.
You just have to choose to start. Then keep going.
Ready to show up in earnest (no pun intended, Mr. Hemingway) for your practice?
Join the spring-summer cohort of Jewels of the Path.
This 12-week session will give you the chance to develop a weekly writing rhythm, share your words in small group that will cheer you on, and encourage you to set weekly intentions that support your personal creative desires.
Open to 8 women and nonbinary folks who wish to deepen their writing life as well as contribute to a small and mighty community
We begin on May 9 and conclude July 22
Everything happens in a private Facebook group, so this opportunity can accommodate you no matter your schedule or life obligations
Sign up for the group only or add two coaching sessions each month