Run-On Sentence

I was just writing a poem about Wordle and the world and something glitched and *poof* I was stumped on line five with the last letter in the right place and three others in the wrong positions and they're bombing residential buildings while another headline screams "Time Is Running Out to Avert a Harrowing Future" so I turned to poetry to soothe myself since so little is in my control and Wordle and writing are two of the things I can do to calm myself since catastrophizing is not only unhelpful but unnecessary since the catastrophes are everywhere so once again it is a matter of maintaining awareness and taking action where I can while also tending to that which is right in front of me -- coffee, email, clients, friends, spouse, children -- holding so many disparate truths and wondering where we went so completely off the rails but knowing this is both new and so not new at all, this story of madmen and aggression and displaced persons and all the lives in the balance and the weight each of us carries, invisible sacks on our backs, and how not everyone will make it and the tragedies on a local scale that don't feel like mine to share but weigh heavily on my heart are there, too, and knowing that our hearts can only register so much at once and everyone looks out for their own and is that selective empathy or is that an oxymoron so I turn to poetry but the lines vanish into thin air and I'm left with this instead, an unreadable block of prose, word rush, wood thrush, Wordle fail, warfare, waking to safety and coffee and these small blessings blinking at me as if to say see us while I sit here blinking at line 5 wondering why can't I see the thing that's right in front of me, what am I missing, what are we not seeing, what are we not able or willing to see, at what moment is it better to walk away for a moment and when is walking away for a moment not an option such as when your country profits off of your suffering or when you are being called to arms and when you must make impossible choices that aren't choices at all.