On the Corner: Writing at the Intersections

On the Corner: Writing at the Intersections


We all stand at the corner of many identities, with parts of ourselves embraced and others off-limits, some seen and others invisible, some conditioned and others chosen. Who we feel ourselves to be, how the world see us, and ultimately what we choose to bring (and have no choice about bringing) with us into our daily lives — these have a huge impact not only on our own experience of segmentation and/or wholeness, but on those around us, be they family, coworkers, community members, or the world at large.

Writing has the power to help us get to know ourselves, and thus each other, better. This series of prompts offers you a guided opportunity to explore your identities through a combination of freewriting and other creative exercises.

Anyone who wishes to deepen your understanding of yourself will benefit from this process of writing for self-reflection and discovery.

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